Sammy Hagar saluted Wolfgang Van Halen on his Instagram account, after Van Halen expressed his thoughts on how his upcoming solo debut will be perceived. Hagar responded to Wolfgang’s post answering a fan who asked if having such a legendary father was a “gift or a curse.” Wolfgang posted in part: “It’s really equally both. Being who I am, I think people at the least will be interested in what my work will sound like, which is very nice. . . I’m not trying to be my father, I’m trying to be me.”

Sammy Hagar posted on the thread: “Wolfie, that’s a great answer and the only way you will ever be happy and satisfied is doing your own thing the way you hear it in your head and feel it in your heart! You inherited genetically enough talent for 10 lifetimes. Use it the way you want. P.S. I’ve heard a couple snippets and they are bad f***ing ass!!! Hope I run into you someplace once we all get out of prison ha ha. Stay safe. Love to your mom & dad.”

Wolfgang responded saying, “Thanks so much for the kind words, Sam! Can’t wait for you to hear it. Much love to you and yours.”


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